torsdag 29. oktober 2015

Utlysning til alle studenter / Announcement to all students

 Idrettslaget trenger deg!

Som dere alle vet har vi alle skolen kun på lån i noen få år.
Det gjelder også for Høgskolen i Narviks Idrettslag som nå nærmer seg utskiftning av flere sentrale personer.

Vårt mål er å fremme fysisk aktivitet blant studenter tilknyttet Høgskolen i Narvik.

Vi trenger deg som er interessert i å yte for fellesskapet, på eget initiativ og med stort spillerom.
Du må være selvstendig, pliktoppfyllende og innstilt på å fungere i engasjementet så lenge du kan!
  • Vi trenger ikke deg som syns det er kult med alt mulig av verv på CVen uten å yte
  • Vi trenger ikke deg som syns det høres kult ut nå, men ikke om én måned eller to

Tror du at du vil og kan? Skriv en søknad til oss, den bør blant annet inneholde; hvorfor du er egnet kandidat, hvorfor du ønsker å stille og nevn 3 viktige saker du vil jobbe videre med i studentidrettslaget?

Vi ser etter leder, nestleder, økonomiansvarlig.

Du når oss på epost eller kom innom vårt kontor C1070.

Valg av nye representanter skjer ved årsmøtet i januar/februar 2016.
-----English version-----

The sports club needs you!

As you all know, we all have school only on loan for a few years.
It also applies to Narvik University College sports team which is now nearing the replacement of several key people.

Our goal is to promote physical activity among students associated to Narvik University College.

We need those who are interested in providing for the community, on their own initiative and with large game.
You must be independent, conscientious and determined to work in the involvement as long as you can!
  • We do not need you who think it's cool with all sorts of positions on your resume without having to perform
  • We do not need you who think it sounds cool now, but in a month or two

Do you think you will and can? Write 2-3 sentences about yourself and send it to us.

We are looking for a leader, deputy, treasurer

You can reach us by email or come to our office C1070 .

Election of new members takes place at the annual meeting in januar/februar 2016.

2 kommentarer:

  1. A notice or announcement targeting all students may include academic deadlines, upcoming events, opportunities, and administrative updates. For specific content, refer to your university's official communication channels or check their website fairfax gun lawyer.

  2. To help the sports team succeed and achieve greater things, you must contribute your skills and energy! As I have been planning a dissertation on finance, I am not sure where to start. I want to pick a topic that is both engaging and practical. I am still not sure which of the several possibilities I have seen for finance dissertation ideas would be the best. Could someone explain how they choose their dissertation topic or offer any suggestions that would be relevant to this issue? It would really help me out, as I want to pick something that not only interests me but also has enough material to research. Any suggestions or advice would be greatly appreciated!
